NATS Mid-Atlantic Region Conference

UNC Chapel Hill: March 17-18, 2017



March 17, 2:30-5:30pm: YogaVoice®: “Your Authentic Voice” Workshop

YogaVoice® is a comprehensive and unique pedagogical approach that integrates the whole person in the art of communication, cultivating the functional, holistic, and artistic beauty of the human voice. The YogaVoice® workshop will present the essential elements of Systematic Vocal Technique as taught by Richard Miller (The Structure of Singing), and show how the components of functionally efficient, artistic singing can be embodied holistically to become a tool for personal self-awareness and deep artistic authenticity. This interesting, informative (and fun!) session will “yoke” the historically accepted disciplines of yoga and bel canto pedagogy, in a unique way that has practical and powerful meaning for singing teachers and their students.

Session breakdown:

·      2:30-3:30: PowerPoint Lecture: YogaVoice® overview, origins and synthesis of Systematic Vocal Technique and the Classical, Hatha, and Nada Yoga practices that form the basis of YogaVoice® pedagogy.

·      3:30-4:30: User-friendly YogaVoice® postures and vocal toning…can be done in street attire and chairs will be available for those who prefer to sit.

·      4:30-5:30: Singing Masterclass and Q/A: Practical application of YogaVoice® pedagogy.

·      Breaks as needed

March 18, 7:30-8:30am: YogaVoice® VocalVinyasa practice

The word “vinyasa” means “in an ordered way, a sequence”. The YogaVoice® VocalVinyasa™ is a specific, sequential practice that incorporates elements of Systematic Vocal Technique and vocal toning in yoga postures. This will be a 60-minute practice designed to open the body, integrate the mind, and awaken awareness of how your entire body/mind matrix participates in manifesting your authentic voice. Chairs will be available as needed. Wear yoga clothing and bring a mat or towel.